Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Delivery day

Wow....its 2am. I would say that we had an epic road trip today. We left gachi gachi this morning at 10 am and arrived here back on lake Karibba at midnight. All day long we drove/4wheeled over dirt roads and stopped each time we would see someone and give out wither clothes or school supplies or little toys to the kids. We stopped at one little group of huts and encountered a few kids. We gave them each a few items of clothing which they were grateful for. As we were getting ready to leave the oldest boy came out pushing his disabled brother in a wheelchair. He told us that he cared for his 3 disabled siblings. Being disabled in America is tough.... But it has got to be so much harder here! We left him with clothes for his siblings and atmit ( fortified flour for malnutrition) ams they took down his information so they could help him in the future. The take away from the day is that these are happy people. They have very little but are very quick to smile and to laugh. Just like what you always hear. Africa is turning out to be exactly like what people tell me. I really loved seeing all those happy faces today! Tonight we are staying on a house boat on the lake in preparation for a clinic tomorrow. So excited to sleep!!! We pulled in at midnight ( our poor driver Sam) had dinner ( the first real meal of the day) at one and now off to bed!

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