Friday, September 11, 2009


After Cobh we headed down to the small beach town of Kinsale. At this point, so many of these tiny little towns are beginning to look very similar...
You may think you have seen this picture from various other locations, but I tell you what, it is all just as charming. We didn't do much here, just wandered around for a while. Very charming little place.

We went out to Charles fort out on the peninsula. It was used ancietnly and as recently as WWII, so it was fun to see how they would have used the fort and how they would have lived there. The life of a soldier was not very glamorous, I am sure it is the same today.

Besides just visiting the fort there were fantastic views from the top of the hill where it is located. So often I have to stop and remind myself that I am really standing in the countryside of Ireland. It seems so surreal some times.

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